Potato Protein

General characteristics:

LU - 1434 is a product made from potato cell fluid by utilizing the process of thermal and acid coagulation, dehydration and drying.


Non-GMO declaration:the product is not derived from or produced using genetically modified organisms

Alergen statement:the product does not contain any allergenic ingredients


Aroma:typical of potato protein without foreign odours

Properties:potato protein is a component of animal feeds of high nutritional value, it is characterised by high digestibility and it contains pure protein

Product use: 

Potato protein is used as a component of livestock feeds. It's characterised by high digestability, it contains pure protein.


Multilayer vented paper bags (25kg) or flexible big-bag containers (800 or 1000kg). Unit packaging must be approved for food contact.

Storage conditions:

Dry, clean and well-ventilated facilities without foreign odours, protected against rodents.

Minimum shelf life:

Recommendet storage time: no longer than 12 months in original packaging. It is advised however to keep the storage time short as possible because the moisture content may increase gradually.


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